Born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, rapper Ron-E had always had a passion for music — but didn’t start getting heavily involved until a couple of years ago. He’s been working on his first upcoming solo project, TrAp-A-VoiD, which, according to him, has “various elements to it that represent different genres of Rap and Hip Hop.” A portion of the songs on the project are quite dark, which the artist admits, but that’s just one perspective you’ll experience.

His latest leak from the project, “Hades,” is so dark, you may need a flashlight. I’m exaggerating, but over the eerie production he boasts a heavy dose of hip-hop bravado. Hades, for those not familiar, is — in Greek mythology — the God of the dark underworld, where souls went to, well, be tormented. “I’m Hades, is that why you hate me? I could be worse.”

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