“[Souleye’s] brand of positivism is the soundtrack that counters a lot of what’s shoved down our throats on a daily basis.”
Ask the average hip-hop artist why they rap—you’ll likely get some underwhelming responses. Today’s breed of artists [not all, but many] are driven by more of an economic stimulus, rather than a genuine spiritual connection to what they’re doing. That’s what makes Souleye’s story so devastating endearing; his brand of positivism is the soundtrack that counters a lot of what’s shoved down our throats on a daily basis.
He fell in love with the culture during—arguably—the best year in hip-hop [1996] while freestyling with his friends around a bonfire. He began to take things pretty serious around 2001. But, after the loss of his best-friend in 2003, which resulted in him taking solitude in the woods of Mount Greylock, Massachusetts (where he composed an album), and the suicide of his brother, he changed his perspective, focus, and drive. Affixed to the ceiling where his brother hung himself, was a sticker that read “Music Matters;” this has become a mantra for the ultra-conscious genre-bending artist, who we actually shared with you last year.
Fresh off of his LP, Shapeshifting, an album which marked a decade since his well received 2005 release Intergalactic Vibes, his latest single “Snow Angel,” featuring his wife (award-winning Canadian songstress Alanis Morisette). It’s an airy mashup of hip-hop and EDM—paired with a very slick visual, complete with interpretive dance and atmospheric visual effects that fit the song like a glove. Souleye has received LOTS of acclaim and isn’t a new artist by any stretch, but it’s not too late to catch up. Visit his website and dig through his catalog. First, though, give “Snow Angel” a spin.