For the past two years, Ras Beats has been working tirelessly on his newest project Control Your Own. The album is comprised of 13 tracks with several guest appearances. I had the chance to catch up and chat with Ras Beats about his latest album. Check out our conversation below and be sure to grab your copy of Control Your Own.

AboveAverageHipHop: Where did the Title Control Your Own come from?

Ras Beats: It came from a real life conversation that I was having with someone. It’s controlling the music. How you want it to sound. On a larger scale, you can’t control how other people or other things but you can have control over how you act.

Exactly how long have you been working on this project?

Two years. It was a journey that I didn’t want to rush. I made sure to take my time.

If you had to choose a song on the album to be your favorite, what would it be? You can pick more than one if you want because I know it might be hard!

The track “God Bless” has a special meaning behind it because it’s a dedication track to my father. It’s tough to choose because they were all handpicked to be on the album because each song is important.

How would you describe the sound of the album?

The overall sound is a mixture of different things. There’re some funk elements to it. But then at times it can sound “mean,” meaning gritty and rough. And then it can also get melodic and smooth. I think it’s well-rounded…like a meal.

What’s one thing you want listeners to get from your album?

That’s a tough question…probably that it’s music done on a premise of good hip-hop. No politics are involved. It’s good boom bap neck-snapping hip-hop.

Will there be any visuals for any of the songs on Control Your Own?

There will be a video “No Pressure” and then in a couple of months another video will be dropping, but that’s a secret. So there’s two and possibly a potential third.

After the album do you plan on going on tour or doing any live performances?

Right now I’m looking into touring, but it’s in the planning stages right now.

Want to keep up with Ras Beats and his music? You can check out his website at!

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