A young Nigeria native youth flaunts his self-named clothing line “Kevin Imonfirie” throughout the streets of New York City. The 20-year-old emigrated to the U.S in 2007 with no fashion sense until his birthday of his Sophomore year of High School. “… It was my birthday, and I couldn’t afford to get a nice outfit to wear on that day, so I went to a local thrift store and picked out a pair of ice blue Levi denim jacket and customized it!” Revamping this jacket, provoked a new fashion style within his school. With his first unexpected offer on the denim jacket, it became evident that being a designer was what he wanted to pursue in the future!
After many unavailing solo projects and collaborations, Kevin Imongirie launched his brand in 2015, selling out his first inventory. Kevin hopes his brand will reach a sky rocket limit as he continues to work on making his brand significantly distinctive to his consumers.
Having a calendar like structure, each month blooms a new style and models. Check out January’s collection and shop for the upcoming months at www.kevinimongirie.com