One of the unique things that stood out in No Longer the Hero’s bio they sent over to us is that they are “singing the wrong notes in the right pitch.” The duo of Demetrius “Whodini Blak” Reynolds and Michael Piccard are a blend of musical influences that range from rock to hip-hop–and some sprinkles of other things in between. They self-describe as a playful melding of darkness and light, something that comes across on their latest single, “On My Way,” which comes packed with an emotional animated treatment dealing with the introspective theme of loss.
What we can deduce is partially a euphemism for death–among other possible theories–the song is lyrically dense, and pleasantly full of imagery. It’s quite beautifully done. Whodidni’s singing and Michael’s rapping compliment each other well and make the track a palatable listen–amidst a seemingly dreary theme.
Check out the record for yourself, below.