“[Sirpit] he is not afraid to try something a little different for the purpose of being creative and for the love and art of music.”

Sirpit started recording in 2013; since then, he’s built a following locally and internationally, recently releasing records in Michigan, Arizona, and Chicago. Locally in Perth, Western Australia, he has worked with and supported a number of other artists and producers embracing his slogan S.T.M. (Support The Movement). Always learning–and experimenting with sound and methods–he is not afraid to try something a little different for the purpose of being creative and for the love and art of music.

His newest record, “Twilight,” brings to mind “that magical time when the sun is only just starting to awaken and shine ever so slightly through the darkness of the night,” explains Sirpit. “The time of the day when the early birds aren’t quite awake and the night owls are just finishing up their adventures of the night.” Check out the records, featuring fellow Zimbabwean artist Simba Tagz below, and if you’re feeling it, mash the share button.
