“What music did for me, I want to share that with people.”

Yonkers, New York, native Vita is one of the reasons I love writing about music; I love coming across new music from passionate artists with a story to tell. After being presented with her song “Can’t Turn Away” for the potential inclusion on our humble site, I did some digging and found–nothing. The song was so dope, though. I had to learn more about the soulful voice behind it, so I got in contact, and she graciously sat with AAHH for an interview.

Get to know the super talented up and coming singer–and the motivation behind her music–in her interview below.

How did you got involved in music?

Well, there are videos of me—going back to when I was just little—and I was always praised for singing. I always liked it but was told that it wasn’t practical to want to be a singer, so I never took it seriously until I went through stuff later on in life. I realized being a lawyer is just as hard [as pursuing music] but if it’s what I want to do, you have to go for it. It’s been a long ride.

What has been some of the feedback you’ve gotten from this new song?

This one, I’ve been getting a lot of good feedback; people seem to be connecting to it on a real level. Every song I make, I want to be able to take you to a place and be able to have you listen and relate. I’ve gotten more love than I would ever have imagined, honestly. I only have a couple of songs out, but that’s because I wanted to put out the best possible stuff, and I’ve been writing material for a long time. I’m working on a lot of things, but this was finally something that I was ready to drop. I want people to sit and listen to this story that I’m about to tell.

You mentioned a project, and that was my next question. So, what’s this all leading up to?

This [upcomng] project is going to be titled Aftermath; I have a plan for my entire discography. I mean, I’m sure that there will be other projects along the way, but right now I’m also working on the next project that’s way under wraps. It’s been in the works for a while—so, everything is going backward in my timeline, hopefully leading up to an album that’s about me growing up. I just need to introduce myself. I wanted to put out something that people could relate to, like the Aftermath of a relationship. That’s the idea behind this project, so it’s just like me going through the motions afterward. It’s going to be a little EP; I’m going to say like four, five, maybe six songs. That’s in the works right now.

That’s a good strategy. Kanye did the same thing. He planned out his entire discography like from day one.

Yeah. I’ve seen Kendrick talk about it doing that, too. I want to fully explore me experiencing love for the first time, going through a real break up, and real losses—after the fact; really, the elements that built me into the person I am today. But, I want everybody to get pieces of me before that. Everybody needs something to relate to at the end of the day. Every artist I love, I love them because I can relate to them. I think you just evolve as a person, and we go through our moods and our phases and everything; each project is going to be one phase.

Ok, so Aftermath is first, what’s the second ‘phase’?

The one following Aftermath is going to be The Ride, which was the relationship, and just showing how being young and in a relationship is like fighting; being the person, you’re supposed to become, or subjecting yourself to your muse and just letting yourself get all wrapped in that.

I’m digging the master plan of it all…

I’m into the whole longevity of it. I’m not trying to push myself to make a million songs, and have some be trash. I want people to hear what I have to say, but I want it to be quality. I want it to be something you could listen to over and over again,even if it’s something, I just throw out there.

Absolutely. And I mean if you can do that, your fans will be way more focused. You’ll have some real fans that will grow with you.

Right. Like, hopefully, there is a time when I’m throwing out music like that. Like when the studio setup is correct, when I’m in the studio everyday. When I’m just on a roll because artists go through that, I have gone through that. If I would just release my voice memos, it would be interesting, but it’s not like everything is solid.

I reached out because I wanted to get more info on you—but, was having trouble finding content.

I’ve done interviews with underground radio stations—and more low-key outlets. But, I [do] love to tell the story behind my music, because what music did for me, I want to share that with people. I knew that the time would come when I’d be able to tell it.

So what was the biggest motivating factor for you wanting to [now] push so hard?

One of the more significant reasons why I want people to know my name is because of my father. He was just a real fucking person—and he went through a lot. He did everything for his family. As a kid, he never talked to me like I was just a kid; he always valued that I am a person. He taught me that even though I’m a woman, I could be tough and achieve anything. I want to sing his story. Because when you leave, you don’t realize there might not be anything to be said about you, and that would be a shame if his story weren’t heard, so I partly do this to keep his name on. I came from a dark place, and I know that it would kill him to see me in a dark place.

I mean, the power of it too is, there might be a lot of other people that feel the same way, or are in a similar situation.

Right, and not even that. I remember the music I was listening to when he passed away; I guess that’s why I relate to hip hop. I grew up in Yonkers, and I had a great upbringing. My family never really struggled, and if they did, they didn’t let me know about it, you know what I mean? I don’t know, I just feel like I’m not the typical story, and even though I’m from the suburbs, I’m sitting here listening to Biggie and feeling something. I just always connected with music, and I always appreciated hearing things I needed to hear. You ever have like a song that comes on, and you’re like, ‘shit, I needed to hear that today?’ That’s what I want my music to do. Whether it’s a good vibe, or it’s some real emotional shit, I just want people to feel like, ‘I needed that.’

At the end of the day, ultimately, what’s your goal?

I want to one day be touring and have people want to know all the words to my songs and look me up on genius, and things like that. I was that person waiting for that next drop, waiting for the album from somebody, just so that I could get in my car, put it on, sit back, roll a joint, smoke it, and let everything else–whatever’s going on–just go away. I just want my music to be that; for some music is just something that they have on in the background, but for me, it’s like my mind is constantly on it, and I mark my memories through the music. So, if someone can mark their memories with my music, I’d be a happy person.