Teesh Tha Writer, Vibes In The City’s first featured female artist when the standout weekly music showcase first began last January, will be hitting the stage again this Wednesday at LaRouge Lounge with new music. Inspired by writing poetry as teen and listening to her father’s music, the singer, songwriter and emcee calls Newark, NJ home and exudes positive energy in her songs like “Do What You Do” and “In These Moments”.
AAHH: You were Vibes first female-featured artist last year; how has Vibes helped your stage presence and fan base? Let us know how Hip-Hop has inspired your sound.
TTW: I found out about Vibes from an artist friend of mine. I’ve always been comfortable on stage but it’s helped build a fan base with those who wasn’t aware of who I was. My sound is smooth, melodic with a touch of swag. My influence, when it comes to songwriting, is gospel music just in how the arrange vocals. I love it!! But Missy Elliott is one of my influences. As a songwriter herself, then branching off as an artist, and then, producer. 90s music plays a big part in the music that I like to create with a spin on it. I’ve always rapped even though I was just behind the scenes as just the songwriter and vocally producing.
AAHH: I’m digging “In These Moments”, what was the inspiration in writing the song?
TTW: The inspiration for “In These Moments” came from me watching my Nana go through a sickness and her always telling me how important it was to live in these moments and to cherish them. I finished the track months after she passed in 2013.
AAHH: Biggest highlight of your career so far? What other talents do you have?
TTW: One of the biggest highlights of my career is winning Artist Of The Year 2016 for the Hip Hop Junky Awards. I’ve been writing since I was 15-years old and rapping since I was 20-years old. I have toured SXSW and I will be going on tour this February in the East Coast Meets Midwest tour. Besides being a Female MC, my talents include songwriting of course and I can play a few instruments.
AAHH: What upcoming projects do you have?
TTW: I’ve worked on and have written on a few projects Flying Iron Soul Collective, Slaves to Kings, Legend, just to name a few. I’ve been featured on a few as well. My own is Crash Course and I’m working on projects now and two new ones of my own “WatchMeWork” & “Purpose”.
Make sure to follow Teesh Tha Writer and checkout her latest single “”Like This” featuring Melo V, produced by The Key Majors and if you’re in the Tri-State area, checkout Vibes in The City February 1st – more info at VibesNJ.com
Instagram: @teeshthawriterbmeg
Facebook: Teesh Thawriter
Twitter: @teeshthawriter
Snapchat: Teesh Thawriter
Browley Music Entertainment Group
SoundCloud: www.SoundCloud.com/Teesh_ThaWriter