Nefertiti Gold is an R&B musician set to perform this Wednesday night at Vibes In the City. With a slew of artist/song covers flipped into acoustic versions, as well as original songs under her belt, she’s a down to earth spirit, unafraid to be unapologetically her. Stop by LaRouge Lounge located in Downtown Newark to catch her perform!

L: I am a huge Drake fan, and you did a good job covering his song “Know Yourself”. How hard was it to take such a well-known song and make it your own?

NG: It is extremely hard to make a famous song your own. You’re in a process of learning two songs essentially. To make something more of your own, in my opinion, you have to know the back original song like the back of your hand before you can flip it into something different. I think it took me about two weeks to get “Know Yourself” in a place that I felt comfortable enough to perform it. At the time, it was a challenge that I was up for and I just really love the song for some reasons.

L: I noticed that you perform with your guitar a lot, how old were you when you started playing? Did you teach yourself how to play?

NG: I started fairly late in life with my guitar, lol. I’ll say I started around 2011-is with some random lessons that I could find on Youtube, along with taking some actual guitar lessons with an instructor but I was never consistent with. I’ve only recently shifted my focus to playing live within the last two to three years because I’ve come to appreciate having control of the music. If I need to slow it down or speed I up, I can do that. And when you have that kind of control, I feel it just creates a fuller musical experience. In my eyes, I still feel like I suck as. But I’ll be damned if I ever stopped trying to be better.

L: Does it feel more natural for you to play with your guitar or without it?

NG: The more I perform with my guitar, the more natural it feels. Sometimes it can work against me because if I’m nervous, my hands get a little jittery, and that’ll throw off my rhythm, and there’s no hiding behind that. But I like the challenge of having to keep my shit together from top to bottom. It forces me to practice more even MORE. At the end of the day, it’s all about muscle memory, and if you do it enough times your body will automatically do what you need it to do; my hand will do what I need them to do and even if I’m nervous it won’t matter.

L: What do you bring to the genre for R&B that’s unique?

NG: This question is usually so hard to answer but, what I bring is a sense of realness. And I say that more so in regards to my personality and that is reflected in the music. I get on stage, I give it my all and pray that I don’t choke on my spit. I’m not there to be perfect or try to pretend that I’m too cool. I want people to fuck with me and my growth because I am ever-growing.

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Twitter: @gold_d_loxx