Hailing from the north side of Newark, NJ, Choice is one of many standout musicians that command the Vibes in the City crowd every Wednesday. The self-proclaimed R&B Thug has performed throughout the east coast from DC to Atlanta. The NuFamm leader is currently working on his latest EP titled The Choice is Yours and honing his entrepreneurial dream with his custom clothing store NuFamm Customs in East Orange, NJ. Get familiar with Choice, the industry needs him!

AAHH: I’ve seen you perform at Vibes often and you always catch the newbie’s off guard with asking, “Are you a crack baby?” – Where did the concept of your song “New Cracq”?

Choice: Being very blessed with the skills to write, my manager James Davis call me one day with the concept and pieces to the chorus so I ran with it; he made it a hot line, and I made it a hot song. [laughs]

AAHH: How did you find out about Vibes in the City?

Choice: Word on the streets is there was a dope open mic in the area that wasn’t far to get to and I love to showcase my talent so I went and just so happen I knew most of the guys that was running it. It’s a great environment so I made it my business to be there every chance I got.

AAHH: How does it feel to be a staple at Vibes in the City?

Choice: I’m very grateful that I’m a staple to Vibes just shows me that all the work I put into this music is being noticed. Something that I didn’t see coming when I started, it keeps me going.

AAHH: What inspires you musically?

Choice: R. Kelly was one of my biggest influences to sing always to and I always listened to different directions he took his talent. So when my peers gave me thumps up I took a shot at it.

AAHH: What was your first introduction into music?

Choice: Being in cyphers doing freestyles with a lot of talented rappers until a friend of mine named Radio gave me a few instrumentals to start with so I tried it myself and started to grow interest in it.

AAHH: When did Choice become the self-proclaim R&B Thug?

Choice: Well from me being in the neighborhood doing things I shouldn’t have been doing in my days then transitioning to a singer that kind of gave me that wave because I never really had the R&B look.

AAHH: How did Fam Basic transform into NuFamm Music Group?

Choice: Fam Basic is something I came up with because most of the time I was around family or people I grew up with that basically family to so there it goes. It’s still Fam Basic til I die! We had 3 different teams Fambiz, Team Nusense and my team Fam Basic, we broke it down into one name, NuFamm.

AAHH: What are you currently working on (mixtape, EP, Album, etc)??

Choice: I’m currently working on a new EP called The Choice is Yours about to drop the first single called “U Need A Real Man In Ya Life”. The video is also dropping for second single “Catch Me in the Trap.”

AAHH: What do you want listeners to gain from your latest project?

Choice: Just knowing when you press play on my music, you’re not only going to vibe to it but I try to put a message in it. I want it to touch your soul.

AAHH: Why do you think it’s necessary to create an alliance of talent within the indie scene?

Choice: It’s necessary to create an alliance because it’s strength in numbers and the more we come together, the more we can accomplish more talent, more brains and collective thinking.

AAHH: Where can people hear your music?

Choice: “Crack Baby” is the number one joint it’s about 2 ½ years old but it’s brand new every time I perform it. Everybody that heard it falls in love with it immediately. I can’t leave the building without performing it. I wrote the lyrics myself.

AAHH: Biggest highlight of your career so far? Describe the lane you’re trying to create in Hip-Hop?

Choice: My biggest highlight was hitting that Lincoln Park stage where everybody from Newark comes out. It just felt like I made it and it felt good to perform in my city. I’m just tryna create a lane for a lot of artist that think the impossible can’t be done from my surrounding peers.

AAHH: Besides your own music, what are you listening to?

Choice: I listen to R. Kelly and a lot of underground artists because it’s a lot of good music that’s good and haven’t been heard.

AAHH: If you had the chance, what artist would you collab with?

Choice: If I had the chance I would want to do a song with R. Kelly just he can coach me, that song would be crazy.

AAHH: How can people get custom clothing from you?

Choice: My custom designing store is located at 222 Hollywood Ave in East Orange, NJ and you can contact NuFamm Customs on Facebook or call directly at 862-576-5882. Email: nrffchoice7@gmail.com| Instagram: @YaChoice