As promised, TDE is off to a stellar start to 2016; after the massive success of Kendrick’s untitled unmastered, Schoolboy Q is gearing up to drop his new project. The interwebs went nuts with the release of his newest effort,”Groovy Tony;” however, the new song ruffled more than a few feathers.
Rapper and visual artist BlankFace, who we’ve interviewed in the past, and his team saw and heard some stark similarities between their movement and the style on Groovy Q joint. As BlankFace’s manager explained:
“We developed the concept BlankFace 3 years ago. Two years ago we introduced the concept of BlankFace to a few execs (can’t give any names), and a few days ago the song Groovy Tony came out. I automatically saw similarities from the first words he spoke. The first words that came out of his mouth were “BlankFace.” His rap style sounds changed from what he usually does. It’s more demonic and blasphemous which sounds very similar to my artist’s style. Then today I got in touch with the guy who shot the video. He told me the video was shot last year which is perfect timing because we introduced the BlankFace concept about a year and a half to 2 years ago. He calls himself the no face Killah and his first original name was BlankFace Killah [sic].”
Unsigned artists calling fouls amidst allegations that major artists unlawfully borrow their artistic content, or in this case simply sounding oddly similar, is nothing new; however, not all are dignified with a response. When BlankFace’s management questioned Q via Instagram, he provided a lengthy response.

Both of his responses have since been removed, likely because PR stepped in. Regardless if anyone is aware of an artist, taking portions of someone’s swag — no matter how small — without credit isn’t Bueno. BlankFace, though, is no stranger to taking shots at the upper echelon, as we heard/saw on his song “Jungle.” Not one to let it slide, he promptly dropped his version of Groovy Tony. Give it a spin below. What are you thoughts on the subject? A case of a big guy stepping on the little guy? Sound off on our Twitter.