Harlem-born — Atlanta-raised — rapper, Maverick, has been heavy on the grind and has no plans of slowing down anytime soon. Influenced by film, video games, and life itself, and having experienced day-to-day living in both the burbs and the streets, he melds together a unique take on hip-hop. With a handful of records making the rounds, including the amped up to hit “Randy Jackson,” and the contrasting smooth R&B record “Girls in the City,” he’s showing his versatility while getting new fans excited about what he has to offer the game.

He recently took some time to chat and answer our world famous AAHH Q&A; check out his answers below, and kick around the latest single. If you’re feeling it, mash the share button.

Who are some of your influences?

I always listened to all genres of music [mostly Hip Hop] — but no artist in particular. I think my music is a blend of many things; all the music and sounds around me during daily life, films I’ve watched, and my creative mind influences my music.

What have you released thus far?

I’ve released two four track EPs, Prosperous Psyche Vol 1 and 2, as well as visuals for singles off of both projects. I’m currently working on a new full-length project called I Will Never Fail You. The first single is done, and we’re just working on the artwork. The cover will be released soon, and the single entitled “Drift Away” will be made public shortly after. Also new visuals and videos ar eon the way.

What have been some of your biggest achievements to date? What are your industry goals?

Performing in Austin, Texas and staying alive in the streets while making music top my list. My goal in the industry to spread the movement and the message of “Prosper More” which is my Brand and label. The message is all about succeeding in everything you do while creating your opportunities. Everything is on my website as well.

What’s next?

The next thing for me professionally is releasing more dynamic, game-changing, revolutionary music — as well as building my brand awareness.
