Although the detailed origins of Brick city rapper Jevin June are vague, he’s been bringing the smoke with his latest release–and debut–See You Soon, which popped in on digital shelves late last month. He descries it as a less traditional hip hop album.”It is a hybrid of sorts, lightly sticking its feet in catchy song structure, and 90’s R &B , all while remaining modern,” he explains.
While promoting the project, Jevin took some time out to chat with AAHH about his music and career goals. Check it out, below.
Where did you grow up?
I’m originally from Irvington, Nj and spent my time moving back and forth from Jersey to NYC’s Lower East Side. I was the product of a dysfunctional relationship, and as a result, it left me withdrawn and unable to trust people.
Describe your sound.
As far as my sound, my sound can be described as very New York based because of my upbringing, but I use a lot of modern frameworks and melodies, based on my influence from U.K. Club, and grudge, as well as rock and synth pop.
So, how did you get into music?
I got involved in music from my love of visual arts. As a loner kid, I had a hard time connecting with people, so out of that came music. It was the only way I could express what I felt in the most immediate way.
What are you currently working on?
Now, I’m working on a stage show for the album See You Soon with a Visual component and another project titled “Crooks At The Dinner Party” with Producer Mel Muzik.
What have been your biggest moments thus far?
7.Some of my biggest achievements have been performing at Rocktober Festival, and other venues outside of NYC to see how the music is reaching other people.
What are your goals in this industry?
My Goals in the industry is to expand my brand as well as my label and creative agency and put other talent on. Aside from that, it’s to be a true artistic voice for Hip Hop and give back to the culture.
What’s next?
Next for me professionally is to expand the “FrontGround” brand which is the name of the record label, and creative agency, and make hip-hop music great again.