To quote Step Brothers: “We’re here to fuck shit up.”

– Jonathan Grampa

Flatwoods Clothing, which borrows its name from its creation place of Flatwoods, West Virginia, is the brainchild of two longtime friends, Jonathan Grampa and artist Spook. The two initially bonded over comic books and hip-hop music. After finding that they shared common frustrations with the boring and redundant street fashion currently on the market, they decided to stop complaining, and do something about it. Thus, Flatwoods was born. A far cry from some of the muted, “haute couture” currently trending on the scene, their aim is to bring some of the artistry and originality back to the street wear landscape.

In 1952, an alleged “extraterrestrial monster” roamed the city of Flatwoods. Referred to as the Flatwoods Monster, or Phantom of Flatwoods, the stories have never been conclusively proven, or disproven. They (Flatwoods Clothing) are resurrecting that monster within their designs; as the founders explain, “we’re using him to help us revitalize the fashion game.” This is what makes them different from other brands right now – their unique story.

One of the founders, Jonathan Grampa, quit his job as a Petroleum Engineer about two months ago to follow his dreams, and take Flatwoods to the next level. Making moves from Texas to LA, NYC, Philly, DC, Chicago and back. As Jonathan remarks, “I’m not quitting until everyone knows who we are.”

Flatwoods Clothing is working to make a change in the industry – and display immense creativity in their designs; however, it’s just the beginning. As Jonathan explained, Flatwoods will eventually evolve into a larger collective/network of artists, that will branch out into multiple mediums. For now they remain a two-man show, working hard to build the name from the ground up. You heard it first here first, this is definitely a brand to keep your eyes on.

Shop their current collection here.

Get Fresh With Flatwoods Clothing

Get Fresh With Flatwoods Clothing
Model:@jabarr | Shot was taken by kickback.ent

Get Fresh With Flatwoods Clothing

Model:@official_mialj | Shot was taken by tip.raw