Sometimes music is just music; but, at times it’s much more than that — and not just for the listener. This is especially for true for New York rapper Timothy Dark. In a painful five-year stretch, Tim lost his mother, godmother, father, beloved dog, his home. He also lost his job to Hurricane Sandy. All he had left was music — and it got him over.

His latest album, The Last Days Of Dark, is a testament to his journey, which he’s managed to focus on a collection of music that epitomizes healing — and the courage necessary to confront heartache head on. The first single, “The Future,” is content rich, aiming squarely at the ill of today’s society. It features criticism of the Trump and the racial tension that is currently boiling over in the U.S.

Moody, well-produced, and worthy of a few spins on your mid-week playlist. Check out “The Future, below.