There is a very distinct sound that you may expect to come out of New Orleans [if we’re talking rap], and that’s not what you get with 21-year-old James Seville. He’s spent the last few years in the dungeon tweaking and perfecting a sound to call his own; that sound has culminated into a four song EP called Beta. It’s a curiously non-committal title in nature, suggesting that this is a test — and maybe it is. Although, it’s well put together, making his career path quite intriguing.

His four-song project is a blend of spacey, laid-back elements on the title track, and the aptly titled “Surreal,” and some syrupy, soulful influences [just listen to the track “Tell Me”] that is clearly drawn from his roots in the NO. His style has an unmistakably airy west-coast feel to it — making it the perfect soundtrack for puffing the good stuff and cruising the city on a warm summer evening.

I’m admittedly a little ignorant of the underground scene in New Orleans, but I imagine that James would be unique. Once you get through the EP, explore his other releases to date, mainly “Know My Name,” and “Purple Jazz,” which both appear on his Soundcloud. Keep an ear on this kid; he’s got heat.