Brooklyn, New York City, is home to Mostacho Xprmnt — who have appeared on our site a few times. Their second single, “Clap With Me” full with jazzy, almost neo-soulish undertones, is a little more straightforward than some of the past material we’ve posted; this one is straight up danceable. “We needed a show opener, and we had this two powerful jam ideas by Haruka and Eitan; all I had to do was stick them together and word our invitation to come vibe with us,” said Andres Marin, leader of the band.

Interestingly, the featured singer Song Yi Jeon has since left the band and has been replaced by the talented Leala Cyr as frontwoman. The band celebrated the release earlier this week (March 25th) at Pianos in NYC. “It’s an invitation to experience a journey,” the band notes, “the journey of a concert that begins with a soundcheck and an intrigued audience.”

Just four months ago we reviewed their eclectic QMMR Remix EP release, which–if you’re digging this new single–you should check out. “We have always strived to innovate and push genre boundaries ruthlessly,” Andres Marin, leader of Mostacho Xprmnt and executive producer of the EP told AAHH. “This isn’t the exception!”

[Artwork by Juan Sebastian Dueñas]