“Make a move or collapse.”
–JD Hi Hello

“I didn’t want to come to the grips that I was becoming more like my father every day,” says rapper JD Hi Hello when discussing his time in Juvenile Detention. “Detention taught me two things; that freedom was circumstantial, and that reality was a b*tch.” Rap, in every sense of the word, is an escape for the rapper. He describes it as his voice — a way of taming the beast inside and using it to fuel positive endeavors. His latest EP, Momentary Silence, is an audio journey through his troubled path.

From struggle, survival, pitfalls, to overcoming grief, and finding God, the project is laced with a healthy dose of realness. From the direness and urgency of his hustle on the intro “Do Or Die” to the fickle nature of popularity on the Will Jordan produced “One Minute,” the rapper shows that perseverance and — above all — faith can get you through anything. <a href=”https://soundcloud.com/jdhihelloofficial/sets/momentarily-silent-ep”>Check out the EP here</a>– and if you’re feeling it — pound the share button.