Rapper Ed OG (and the Bulldogs) made his debut in 1991 with the album Life of a Kid in The Ghetto – the classic album that featured Be a Father to Your Child and I Got To Have It. Throughout his subsequent career he’s worked with the likes of DJ Premier, Pete Rock, Common and Masta Ace. He’s released 11 studio albums – and shows no signs of stopping. AAHH recently caught up with Ed OG, who told us about his latest project and more. Interview after the jump.
Let everyone know where you’re from.
I’m from the Roxbury section of Boston.
What have you been up to lately?
I dropped a new album on September 9, 2014 titled After all these Years. It’s my 11th studio album. I also shot videos for the album. I will be touring with Akrobatik, Termanology and Reks. I’m just trying to put out that Boom Bap Hip-Hop on a high level.
What was the concept behind the album?
The concept behind the album was to put together a 360 degree collection of everything I’ve been doing in my career, up to this point. I dug thru old cassettes of Pete Rock beats that I didn’t use, trying to recapture the sound from back then. Pete Rock beats from the 90’s are timeless classics.
How did you get your first break?
My first break came from Jersey actually. My cousins Teddy Ted and Special K (Awesome 2) got me a deal in 1990 with PWL/Mercury.
Did you ever get to the point that you wanted to give up?
Yes! 1995 was a real tough year. Mercury dropped me and the indie label was going out of business. I thought to myself, what the hell am I going to do now? I put out an indie EP in 1996 called “Six Song EP” that sold 20,000 units. It’s only available on vinyl if you can find it. That project opened my eyes to the fact that I can still make money without conforming to labels.
If you could go back and do things differently, what would it be?
Well I was an asshole as a kid. I was 19 yrs old and had a deal. I wound up burning a bridge with Mark Walberg. He want to hang around and work with me and my crew, but I was like hell no. If I would’ve worked with him I could’ve toured with him and who knows what else. You should never burn bridges.
What motivates you to keep making dope music?
Never being wack. I’m from the school from emceeing. If I can’t be on a high level, then I need to stop. The people are my motivation! My album and label was started by my Kickstartercampaign. In fact, we surpassed our funding goal. So that letsme know that people still support me and my music.
What song or project are you most proud of?
I Got To Have It obviously it’s the song that got me to where I’m at. The most important song was Be A Father To Your Child. That song impacted so many lives. People still come up to me and tell me how it spoke to them and moved them to be better fathers.
What are some misconceptions you feel hip-hop fans have of Boston?
The biggest misconception is that Boston is made of all white people. The fact is that Boston is 51% a city of color.
I’m sure you’ve come across some dope unsigned talent in your travels. What are some of the common mistakes you see artists as they try and advance in the game?
I’d say trying to get a record deal and trying to get played on the radio. Its virtually impossible unless you know someone. I tell artists be independent and be self-sufficient.
Can you tell us something about Ed OG that fans may not know?
Ed OG originally stood for E.very D.ay O.ther G.irls, and TheBulldogs stood for B.lack U.nited L.eaders L.iving D.irectlyO.n G.rooving S.ounds.
Finish this sentence. “If I wasn’t an MC, I’d be _______________________.”
I’d be a DJ.
Before we let you go, let us know what you’re working on currently and into the New Year.
I’m dropping a new album 2015 and an EP in summer with DJ Tren on a Paris based label called Streetwise.
Follow Ed OG a on Twitter!