Major key alert: congratulations are in order for Snapchat’s favorite user, DJ Khaled. It’s been reported that the DJ and Snapchat King is expecting his first child with his fiancée, Nicole Turk. So naturally, I decided to go ahead and list five parenting tips inspired by his very own Snapchats.

“THEY will try to close the door on you. Just open it.”

Whether he was talking literally about a door being closed or figuratively. This message will come in handy when it seems like the world is taking a toll on you. Don’t let it get you down, just do it anyway.

“Give thanks at all times…we have life!”

Sometimes we get so caught up in things that we don’t have that we forget to be thankful for the things we do have, such as the ability to breathe.

“There will be Roadblocks, but you will overcome it.”

Nobody ever said life would be easy. Challenges always appear, that’s a given. However, knowing that there’s light at the end of the tunnel is always nice.

“They get mad when you have joy.”

Some people just don’t want to see others happy. And those, my friends, are called haters.

So, it’s pretty evident that DJ Khaled has an abundance of fatherly advice. I can’t wait to see where this new chapter in life takes him and his snapchats!