North Carolina rapper Mosca Flux is someone I stumbled upon by accident while scrolling Twitter; her pretty face and unusual name drew me in, but her bars and a clear love of the culture kept me locked. In a sea of MCs, sometimes it’s hard to hold attention span, but there was obviously something there. I dug through her online presence and checked out some footage of her live show, which is dripping with energy. I decided to reach out to Mosca, who answered some questions for AAHH about being a woman in the industry, her upcoming projects and more.

Check it out, below.

How did you get into music?

I got serious about my music I’d probably say back in 2013. I started laying down my music and recording, and then I started performing locally here in North Carolina. Traveled all around North Carolina doing local shows and stuff like that. Now I am currently signed and will be traveling this weekend to Atlanta to perform, and I’ll be in California come June. I’ll be doing the rooftop party for the BET awards, and then at the end of June, I will be in Cleveland opening up for Remy Ma, so things are taking off. Slow process, I mean—like I said—in 2013 I got really serious about my music, but you know four years in isn’t too bad to be finally starting to get that … get the look that I’ve wanted to get for a while now.

Do you find that it’s harder as a female in the industry? Maybe even just in the sphere of other female MC’s?

Yes. Not because I’m a girl and things should be easy for us, you know what I mean? It’s because we’re not being taken seriously. I find myself always having to outdo what the men do even to get the credit I deserve. Then, if you’re a good looking female on top of that, people are just going to look at you like ‘Oh, she’s pretty,’ and they don’t take you seriously until they hear your bars or they see you perform—and then they’re impressed. I could walk in somewhere and tell them “hey I’m a rapper,” and they would not take me seriously at all, versus a man that would say hey I’m an MC, and they’d say “oh really? I’ll check you out.” When I started out, people would [sometimes] try to take advantage and hit me up and say hey I want to work with you, but they have ulterior motives, or they have other bad intentions. A lot of guys are just trying to get with you; they’re not trying to help your music career, so that’s the other thing we run into and men don’t have to deal with that, you know what I mean? Because it’s a male dominated industry, so they don’t have to worry about stuff like that.

Some of those points are things that I didn’t even think about because I’m a guy. Most guys would be like alright let me come to your studio; but, there’s a lot of other things you have to think about, right?

Yes. Exactly, are they legit? Are they trying to help me? Now the way I operate is I say “hey you want a feature? Send me the track. I’ll do it here at my studio and send it back.” If they’re serious, then they’ll do it. If not, they’ll be like “I wanted you to come by here.” I’m not trying to hang out with you. I’m trying to do business—and business is business. That’s just what it is; I’ll send you the track. Send it to me first, and I’ll send it back.

What are you working on right now? What do you have coming up?

Right now, I am working on my album. It’s hopefully dropping in the Summer; it’s called H2O. This one’s going to be a little different because it’s going to be a little more personal. I called it H2O because it’s the cleansing, it’s like a purge of all my real inner thoughts and inner feelings, and it’s real life experiences. A lot of my music, people, don’t get to hear that side of me. Most of the time, I’m entertaining people. I might give you some turn-up or something hard or something real, but this is going to be a little more personal, so that’s why that’s called H2O.

Between now and then I’m hoping to drop a mixtape. It’s going to be called Mosca Flux V.S. The Baroness. And the Baroness is like my alter-eager, she is like that sassy, edgy Mosca Flux that probably doesn’t give a f– and says whatever flies out of her brain. That’s going to be like just a series of different songs where you can tell the different personalities because I’m a Gemini so if you know anything about Geminis, we have a dual personality. I will be displaying the duality because you can hear it in my music now, but on this mixtape, I’m going to point it out so you can see the difference there.

I’m really big on female MC’s that aren’t trying to be Remy or Nicki if that makes sense.

Yeah absolutely.

It’s kind of unfair in that you have to be Remy or Nicki to get where you want to go…

Well, I just plan on finding my balance. A lot of people say when you get into the industry that you’ve got to sell out, you’ve got to do this, you’ve got to show your body off, all these other things; but, I grew up in the 90s. Every female MC that I saw didn’t necessarily have to do that. I feel like I’m going to find that balance where I don’t have to do that really, and I’m going to be respected for my music and my bars without really having to sell out in any way.