Dolla$ignDunn is a New Jersey rapper that we’ve featured here on AAHH before. But — to get deeper — he’s an artist that I’ve been following for a while. From the actual onset of our website, he’s been steadily feeding us emails (politely) asking us to check out his latest music.

To be transparent, it wasn’t until more recently that I started to not only notice him and his team more — as they’re having a great run on the local/indie circuit — but also feel a little slow for sleeping on him.

I decided to reach out to Dunn to chat about his career — and what he has in the cannon. Check out the Q&A below!

What’s been a highlight of 2017 for you so far? The squad seems to be on a good run.

It’s hard to pinpoint one highlight, it been a good year all around (and it’s only June). But, I would say the on-going support and connecting to people is probably the best thing to happen this year.

How did you get into this game?

Around like 12-13 I would rewrite my favorite songs and revise them. So, I learned how to structure songs way before I even thought about rapping. I would make freestyle videos with my homie in high school and saw people reacting to them well. Fast forward a few years later; my brother had started a label that I was always a supporter of, and I got involved musically around 2014. Since then I’ve been moving!

Who did you look to as and influence early on?

Cam’ron, Ma$e, and Allen Iverson. Cam’ron’s innovative style — and the way he approached music with a “you gonna hear what I gotta say” type of attitude — is the same way I move. Ma$e had this smooth as a breeze kind of aura in his early Bad Boy days that many people say I possess. AI was a superhero to me growing up. To me, the way he finessed the NBA, doing things his way, is the same way I live my life.

Let’s talk about your new joint “Cruisin’.”

This record is my favorite joint at the moment. I recorded it on new years and just knew it was one of those songs that people will f*ck with. I performed it a couple of times and had every venue rocking once this went off. Unlike [some of] my other music this shows my fun side — the Dolla$ignDunn that people see when they meet me face to face.

What are you working on?

As of now I’m just building my catalog and helping shape the UpperClass brand. I have a few more records ready to drop before the summer’s over. May or may not have a project dropping shortly; who knows?

What’s your goal in this game?

I’m more focused on connecting with the people directly rather than getting attention from folks in the industry. I’m a firm believer in cutting out the middle man so as much as I can do on my own I’m gonna do it. I’m focused on creating an everlasting wave that’ll carry my name as well as the UC brand.

What coming up?

I have a lot of things up my sleeve — always three steps ahead. With that being said, be on the look-out for more content from my camp and me.