Hailing from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, bilingual rapper Luckydabo$$ is reveling in the acclaim of his 2018 LP The Me$$age. Unlike a lot of MCs currently trying to surf the wave of popular Hip Hop movements, he is marching against the grain with a much-needed message of positivity for today’s listeners.

It’s a positivity that transcends his music. With a varied background that includes a certified Architect, Real Estate agent, an engineering technician — among other hats, such as the being the founder of an NGO called Action for the third world — it’s clear he’s on a mission to make the world a better place.

“Music heals souls and I will heal as many souls as possible with my music,” Luckydabo$$ says via his website. “That’s why I chose to bless people lyrically in both French and English … I hope to reach a large audience worldwide.

“I bless the POWER for allowing me to share this ability with the world.”

Check out his latest single, “Awakeness,” below.