Martin Shkreli, the infamous “Pharma Bro,” is facing a substantial lawsuit for allegedly copying and sharing the one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang Clan album, Once Upon a Time in Shaolin.

PleasrDAO, the current owner of the album, accuses Shkreli of diminishing its value by making unauthorized copies.

Originally purchased by Shkreli in 2015, the album was forfeited following his fraud conviction. However, PleasrDAO claims that Shkreli retained copies of the album’s data and files, which he played publicly during a live stream and sent to at least 50 individuals. According to PleasrDAO’s lawyers, these actions violate the terms of the forfeiture order and have caused significant monetary and irreparable harm to the company.

The lawsuit alleges that Shkreli has openly bragged about copying the album, stating that he retained the data and files and distributed them widely. PleasrDAO’s attorneys note that Shkreli’s actions have already led to at least 5,000 people hearing the album.

Seeking $2 million in damages, PleasrDAO cites the significant monetary and irreparable harm caused by Shkreli’s actions. The lawsuit underscores the importance of respecting intellectual property rights and the potential consequences of violating them.