King Combs, Diddy‘s son, recently addressed how his father is managing ongoing legal challenges. The update came during a chance encounter with paparazzi in Los Angeles. King Combs was accompanied by his brother, Justin, when a photographer asked about Diddy’s well-being. King Combs simply responded, “Good.” His brother Quincy attempted to pivot the conversation towards an upcoming project, but King remained tight-lipped on that subject.

In a turn of events, King Combs is also entangled in legal issues. He has been hit with a sexual assault lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court. The lawsuit accuses King Combs of raping a woman named Grace O’Marcaigh in 2022. The alleged incident took place just before Diddy’s annual New Year’s Eve yacht party, which was advertised as a “wholesome family event” but reportedly devolved into a “hedonistic environment” before O’Marcaigh realized what was happening.

Aaron Dyer, King Combs’ attorney, has responded to the lawsuit by criticizing the plaintiff’s attorney, Tyrone Blackburn. Dyer accused Blackburn of filing “lewd and meritless claims” and pointed out a “pattern of behavior” that includes “manufactured lies and irrelevant facts.” Dyer also noted that a federal judge in New York had recently sanctioned Blackburn for improper behavior in federal court.