The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is taking legal action against two AI companies, Uncharted Labs and Suno, for their involvement in creating the popular “BBL Drizzy” sample. This move comes amid growing concerns about the use of AI in music and its potential impact on copyright protections.

The “BBL Drizzy” sample gained widespread attention during the Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar beef, particularly after Metro Boomin launched a challenge for rappers to create their best tracks over the instrumental. The original sample was created by internet comedian King Willonius using the AI platform Udio, developed by Uncharted Labs.

The RIAA accuses both companies of “blatant infringement,” claiming their actions could lead to “irreparable harm” and a reduction in the quality of new music. The organization argues that if AI tools are developed without regard for fundamental copyright protections, they can compete with copyrighted sound recordings and undermine the work of human artists and other rightsholders.

The RIAA’s lawsuit emphasizes that while AI tools can assist humans in creating new music, they must be developed with the permission and participation of copyright owners. The organization believes that Suno, in particular, failed to seek permission from the copyright holders whose works were used to create the “BBL Drizzy” sample, and did not provide credit or compensation to these artists.

Neither Uncharted Labs nor Suno has commented on the impending legal action. The RIAA’s move is seen as a significant step in addressing the growing use of AI in music and ensuring that copyright protections are respected.

The outcome of this lawsuit could have far-reaching implications for the music industry. If the RIAA is successful in its legal action, it could deter further developments in AI music creation that disregard copyright protections. Alternatively, the lawsuit could lead to a reevaluation of how AI tools are used in music and the need for greater transparency and collaboration between AI developers and copyright holders.